Fellow Story

Jensen quoted on concerns about settlement with huge Guenoc Valley resort project

Fellow(s): Nick Jensen

The Press Democrat reports that “The California Attorney General’s Office has dropped its objections to the Guenoc Valley ultraluxury resort and residential project proposed for southeastern Lake County after winning concessions from developers related to wildfire risk, evacuation safety and greenhouse gas emissions.” 

The Center for Biological Diversity and the California Native Plant Society filed suit against the project in local court in 2020. “The settlement definitely does not greenlight this project or allow it to move forward tomorrow,” Peter Broderick, an attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity, told the Press Democrat. 

“We've appreciated the attorney general's involvement in this important issue,” said Nick Jensen, conservation program director for the California Native Plant Society. “However, the state's settlement doesn't negate the fact that the project will have concerning impacts to rare plants and vulnerable serpentine habitats, while concentrating many more people in an area with a long history of wildfire. CNPS and the Center for Biological Diversity will continue to move forward with our appeal.”

Read the full story here