Fellow Story

New International Rivers guides on rivers and climate resilience, integrated energy resource planning

I am excited to announce that this week, International Rivers published a new report titled An Introduction to Integrated Resources Planning. The report, written by 1999 Fellow Chris Greacen, Chom Greacen, David von Hippel, and David Bill, demonstrates the benefits of a comprehensive approach to energy planning. It aims to help citizens engage with their government over long-term energy planning in order to promote the kind of energy future that will benefit society as a whole. Integrated Resource Planning, or IRP, has a strong track record of creating energy options that are low-cost and low-risk with outcomes that minimize environmental and social impacts.

In addition, International Rivers is scoping the possibility of offering regional trainings in 2014 using a package of guides that include both this report as well as two other guides – The Civil Society Guide to Healthy Rivers and Climate Resilience, released on November 4th, and a forthcoming NGO Guide to Dam Standards that will be published in December. Please contact Zachary Hurwitz at zachary@internationalrivers.org or Dipti Vaghela at dvaghela@internationalrivers.org to let us know if you would be interested in having a training for your community.

Feel free to share the report with your colleagues, and please send us any feedback that you may have.  You can also leave a comment below!

For a sustainable energy future,
Dipti Vaghela