Fellow Story

Squaw Valley looks to neighbor for water security, Silverman quoted

Fellow(s): Isaac Silverman

The Board of Directors of Squaw Valley's primary water provider yesterday reaffirmed its intent to solve its local problems with water imports from Martis Valley.

In a 4-1 vote, the Squaw Valley Public Services District (SVPSD) directed staff to “...define a preferred water supply alternative from Martis Valley” as a “redundant water supply” and to identify sites for wells and a pumping station in Martis Valley, a pipeline corridor, and terminal storage tanks in Squaw Valley.

The SVPSD seeks water imports in order to serve new and existing customers in an emergency caused by drought or local contamination. But the district also acknowledged that if the pipeline were built, the new water resource would also be available to support new development.

"We share the district's concern about water security," said Isaac Silverman of conservation non-profit Sierra Watch. "But what we learned today is that water exports from Martis Valley could be used to support new development in Squaw Valley."

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