Fellow Story

Zollitsch authors document on new Navigable Waters Protection Act

Fellow(s): Brenda Zollitsch

Brenda Zollitsch, PhD is Senior Policy Analyst for the national nonprofit Association of State Wetland Managers (ASWM).  On June 22, 2020 the Trump Administration's new Navigable Waters Protection Act went into effect.  This new rule replaces Obama's Clean Water Rule and significantly reduces the waters under federal jurisdiction (known as 'Waters of the United States') across the nation.   As states and tribes work to comply with the new rule and assess if they can fill the gaps left with waters now unprotected by EPA and the Corps, Brenda has developed a document to help provide insights to states, tribes and others trying to work their way through the new rule and understand what it means for aquatic resources within their state/tribal jurisdiction.  The new rule poses many challenges for states adn tribes, especially in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The document, entitled "ASWM Insights on the Final WOTUS Rule: The Navigable Waters Protection Act (2020)," (https://www.aswm.org/pdf_lib/aswm_insights_on_final_wotus_rule_final_5.7.20.pdf) highlights critical text in the new rule, provides insights on impacts and challenges, as well as provides links to additional information.   Switzer Fellows are welcome to share the new document and check webinars Brenda has led on both on the Clean Water Act's Navigable Waters Protection Act (https://www.aswm.org/wetlands-law/cwa/4891-2020-past-clean-water-act-webinars) and COVID-19 Impacts and Adaptations for State and Tribal Wetland Programs, which has relevant insights for all environmental professionals (https://www.aswm.org/aswm/aswm-webinarscalls/9902-2020-past-hot-topics-webinars).