Leadership Grant

Accessible data for climate-smart agriculture

$40,000 awarded to Earth Science Information Partners in

Climate-smart agriculture is an important approach to reorient agricultural systems to become resilient to climate change, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and sequester carbon. Data is vital infrastructure to support these practices and other nature-based solutions for climate change. However, there are critical data gaps and challenges that must be addressed to bring the full potential of Earth science data and information to bear on tackling the climate crisis.

Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) is hiring Lindsay Barbieri to address these challenges, with support from a Switzer Foundation leadership grant.

Created by NASA in 1998, ESIP works with a diverse group of 120+ partners. ESIP brings together their partners and participants’ collective expertise and technical capacity to address common challenges related to Earth science data. Its efforts result in knowledge, standards and best practices that make data discoverable, accessible and usable by scientists, decision-makers and the public.

In a natural next step in her career, Barbieri is joining ESIP to advance climate-smart agriculture and nature-based solutions for climate change. Barbieri will work with the ESIP community to assess information challenges and map the major gaps in data ecosystems. Then she will bring together ESIP expertise and community collaboration in an action pilot project developed with key agricultural stakeholders.