About Miriam's Work

Miriam is a UC Berkeley Chancellor's Fellow in the Department of City and Regional Planning. She specializes in environmental planning, with a specific focus on social justice, infrastructure, and sustainability. Her current project highlights how adversely impacted low-income communities and communities of color contest and shape infrastructure development and maintenance programs. Her project design applies action research methods.

Miriam engages in collaborative, interdisciplinary research as an associate with the UC Berkeley Infrastructure Initiative and the Institute for Urban and Regional Development. As part of her work to promote equitable access to higher education, she is a representative on the university's Chicanx/Latinx Task Force to improve campus climate issues. Her scholarly pursuits are informed by professional practice, including work for the cities of San Francisco, New York, and Richmond, CA, as well as for the Greenlining Institute. She holds a B.A. from UC Berkeley and a Master of City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.​