About Brian's Work

Brian Bowen manages transportation data partnerships at StreetLight, which is committed to creating a more connected, sustainable transportation system. Brian became a Switzer Fellow while pursuing his Master’s in City Planning at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT, where he concentrated in Environmental Policy and Planning with a focus on promoting energy efficiency in cities. Brian is particularly interested in how connected devices affect energy consumption choices and behavior in transportation and electricity. His thesis research analyzed the impact of introducing internet-connected “smart” thermostats to residential energy efficiency and demand response programs. Brian was co-captain of MIT’s Better Buildings Challenge case competition team, which won “Most Innovative” proposal at the Department of Energy’s 2014 competition, and he spent part of the 2013-2014 academic year working with a former coal mining camp in southeastern Kentucky to implement an energy efficiency program through MIT’s Public Service Center and the Community Innovators Lab (CoLab). Prior to coming to MIT, Brian worked at EnerNOC, a commercial demand response and energy efficiency firm, then as Communications Manager at Ceres, a sustainable business and investing non-profit. After graduating, he went on to roles in public policy and sales at FirstFuel, Uplight, and Volta Charging. He holds a B.A. from Yale University.