Fellow Story

Meredith Niles: Open Research Unlocks Career Opportunities

Fellow(s): Meredith Niles

In this PLOScast, Elizabeth Seiver speaks with Meredith Niles, an early career researcher and a member of the Board of Directors at PLOS. They discuss all things Open and how Open Access research played a role in Meredith’s path to becoming an assistant professor of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Vermont.

If you’re a researcher interested in how Open research can impact your career, this episode is for you.

Together they cover:

  • How Meredith landed her current position at UVM
  • The benefits and risks of publishing open access research
  • How to create a data management plan
  • Things to check before making your data open
  • How to handle impostor syndrome
  • Advice for early career researchers interested in making their research open

Listen to the episode

Additional Resources

Interested in learning more? Check out the links below and follow Meredith Niles on Twitter @MeredithNiles1