Leadership Grant

Leadership for South Yuba River Citizen’s League, Year 2

25,000 awarded to South Yuba River Citizens League in
Fellow(s): Katrina Schneider
Topic(s): Water Resources

South Yuba River Citizens League received funding to support Katrina’s position as Senior River Scientist for a second year, building on the successes of her first year in this position. In her first year with SYRCL, Katrina made significant progress on efforts that support the restoration of floodplain and riverine functions to the Yuba Watershed as well as other associated watersheds in the Sierras. This second year of funding will allow Katrina to continue to provide leadership in SYRCL’s expanding River Science Program where she supervises other scientists for restoration work and participates in strategic development of inter-related projects. Katrina’s goals as Senior River Scientist are to promote ambitious river protection and restore critical fishery habitat and other riverine functions by 1) leading specific opportunities for floodplain restoration and restoring hydrological connectivity in the lower Yuba River Basin; 2) advancing ecologically sustainable scenarios and alternatives for FERC relicensing of dams in the watershed; and 3) engaging in a statewide model of integrated regional water management planning and addressing climate change impacts on the watershed.