About Henry's Work

As Director of Local Energy Solutions for New Hampshire Sustainable Energy Association, Henry Herndon led a network of policymakers, businesses, municipalities, and individuals interested in the transition to clean energy. Henry helps local groups and municipalities plan and execute their clean energy transition, develops trainings and convenings that bring network members together to share resources and information, authors case studies of local energy projects, and acts as liaison between local groups and state-level decision makers. As part of his work, Henry provides municipal energy leaders with a voice in state-level regulatory policy meetings and shares valuable information about policy opportunities across the network.

As a graduate student at the University of New Hampshire, Henry's research focused on collaborative approaches to energy policy-making that bring together actors from electric utilities, the state, and renewable energy companies to design 21st century energy policy solutions. Henry was a member of the New Hampshire Electric Grid Modernization Working Group and participates in other Public Utilities Commission dockets pertaining to energy efficiency and distributed energy resources (e.g., solar, storage, demand flexibility).

Henry holds an M.S. in Natural Resources and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of New Hampshire. In his free time, Henry plays the piano and plans his next international excursion.