About Liz's Work

Liz Jacob (she/her) is working to build a practice of community-based lawyering alongside movements for a just transition. Liz is dedicating her life to working in community to collectively dream and build a transformative new world grounded in mutual aid, justice, and equity so that all people and the planet can thrive. Liz received her B.A. in Environmental Science and Policy and Marketing with a Concentration in Sustainability from the College of William and Mary, where she was a Gates Millennium Scholar. Prior to starting law school, Liz worked at the League of Conservation Voters where she leveraged digital advocacy and storytelling tools to mobilize people across the country to advance federal environmental policy and support pro-environment candidates in their campaigns for public office. Alongside her amazing colleagues, Liz organized her workplace to form the LCV Union, and together, they successfully negotiated the organization's first Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Liz is a recent graduate of Yale Law School where she studied law at the intersection of environmental justice, movement lawyering, and workers’ rights. Liz centered her legal study on fighting for climate, worker, and environmental justice at the Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy, Land Loss Prevention Project, Sugar Law Center for Social and Economic Justice, Water Protector Legal Collective, and WE ACT for Environmental Justice. Beyond the law school, Liz worked to ground her life and professional practice in the communities she calls home. Liz served as a member organizer with the Washington-Baltimore News Guild, an environmental justice fellow with the Connecticut Coalition for Economic and Environmental Justice, and interned with the City of New Haven’s Food System Policy Division. Liz also organized alongside immigrant workers and communities as a member of the Semilla Collective, a community-based mutual aid collective in New Haven.

Beginning in the Fall of 2023, Liz will be serving as a Skadden Fellow with the Sugar Law Center for Social and Economic Justice and the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition where she will serve as an environmental justice lawyer to advance environmental, climate, and energy justice alongside communities of color and low-income residents in Detroit, Michigan.