General News

Question - How do Switzer Fellows in Academic positions engage in policy?

I recently posted a summary of the results and trends from our Annual survey of Fellows. This survey and the Foundation’s interest in updating our goals and strategies to meet our 20 year Vision have inspired us to use the ongoing feedback to inform our work in new ways. Among the findings that warrant additional attention, we’d love to get your thoughts on the role of Switzer Fellows based in academic institutions in advancing science and policy issues, for example:

  • How can Switzer Fellows based in Academia be better recognized as experts in their field and become more active contributors to current science and policy debates/issues?
  • What advice do you have for how best to engage in policy issues as an academic scientist or professional?
  • What motivates you to become engaged in policy work and be a spokesperson for your issue? What barriers exist?

As we aim to elevate Fellows in their leadership roles, working with those of you in academia – as professors, researchers and administrators – offers great potential for presenting the Switzer Network as a source of valuable expertise for decisionmakers and the media. We’d like your input on how we might best achieve this goal. Thanks!