General News

Switzer Foundation Land Acknowledgement

It is important to acknowledge that, whether Indigenous, refugee, migrant, settler, or descendent of those forcibly brought to this land, we are, right now, on Turtle Island: a gathering place of Indigenous people, including those rooted in our regions. The Switzer Foundation office resides on occupied Wabanaki land-- specifically, on Passagassawakeag Bay: a name which translates to “place to spear sturgeon by torchlight.” The Penobscot Nation, a riverine culture, stewarded the land, rivers, and shoreline for 11,000 years prior to European colonization. The European settlers disrupted this land-relationship through clear-cutting, damming, overfishing, and disease, and broke peace treaties with, forcibly removed, and killed the Penobscot people, laying the groundwork for us, in 2024, to continue to occupy their lands.

Our staff and network are dispersed across this continent and around the world, and we encourage you to research, reflect on, and show up for the Indigenous people and communities where you are. We recognize that the entirety of the North American continent constitutes territory considered to be original Indigenous homelands and we respect the sovereignty of the Wabanaki Confederacy, its nations, and the hundreds of other Native American Indigenous nations, communities, and peoples that survive today. We pledge to support the rights of these nations and the interests of Indigenous people.

As part of this commitment, we make a $500 contribution to an Indigenous-led organization for every Switzer Network event that we hold. You can find a list of the organizations we have supported below.

This land acknowledgement is not static; it is a living process and ongoing commitment. This statement was crafted in collaboration with the Switzer Network community. Read more about the initial process below. 

We welcome and invite conversation or feedback about this statement at any time; please contact Laine to share.

Last updated: May, 2024