About Pam's Work

Pamela McElwee received a PhD in Forestry & Environmental Studies and Anthropology from Yale University in 2003. Her dissertation was titled ''Lost Worlds' or 'Lost Causes'?: Biodiversity Conservation, Forest Management and Rural Life in Vietnam' and was concerned with how biodiversity conservation is defined and implemented in developing countries, based on more than 3 years in field research in Viet Nam, a country that has been proclaimed a ‘biodiversity hotspot'. In 2004-5 McElwee received a grant from the MacArthur Foundation for a 18-month research project titled 'Environmental Consequences of State-Sponsored Rural-Rural Migration in Southeast Asia: A Comparison of Transmigration and Resettlement in Indonesia and Vietnam.' McElwee was an Assistant Professor in the School of Global Studies at Arizona State University from 2006 to 2011, specializing in teaching on global environmental issues. She is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Human Ecology at Rutgers University in the School of Environmental & Biological Sciences. She has been a lead author for the IPCC and for IPBES. She was recently awarded an Andrew Carnegie Fellowship in 2019.