Fellow Story

Fruin says more time on the road makes you inhale more pollutants

A recent study conducted by the Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles has found that people who commute by road inhale more pollution while driving than during the entire day. The research was conducted in Los Angeles, where an average driver spends 1.5 hours behind the wheel. This 90 minute period is responsible for the person’s intake of 33 to 45 percent of his total exposure to diesel fumes and ultrafine particles (UFP), said the study report. The study further stated that diesel-fueled trucks are the biggest pollutants and release largest concentrations of these harmful gases, causing the maximum harm to those who commute on freeways.

Speaking to the media after releasing the report one of the researchers, Scott Fruin, assistant professor of environmental health at the Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California said, "If your habits are healthy and don’t smoke, driving to work is probably the most unhealthy part of your day. Urban dwellers with long commutes are probably getting most of their ultrafine particle exposure while driving."

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