Environmental Education


Trish Mace

1991 Fellow
Trish has a BA in Biology, a MA in International Studies focusing on natural resources policy, and additional studies at UC Berkeley on marine resources conservation and management. She is currently the Director of the University of Oregon...

Paul da Silva

1990 Fellow
Dr. Paul da Silva is an ecologist, entomologist and educator living and working in Marin County, California. At the time of becoming a Switzer fellow, he was researching integrated pest management (IPM) and biological control of insect...

Oliver Barton

1993 Fellow
Oliver is the former executive director of the New Haven Ecology Project, an environmental education and community development not-for-profit organization. The Ecology Project engages city residents in restoration of neighborhood and park...

Mark Schlautman

1988 Fellow
Mark is currently teaching and performing research at Clemson University in the Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences. He also is a faculty member for the graduate program in Environmental Toxicology and holds...

Aram Calhoun

1991 Fellow
Aram completed her Dissertation in 1996 looking at the role of methanotrophic bacteria on various marsh plants in mitigating methane emission from freshwater marshes. She has worked professionally as an environmental educator and a wetland...

Deborah Jensen

1990 Fellow
Deborah is currently a Distinguished Practitioner in Residence in the College of the Environment at the University of Washington. For 13 years she served as the President and CEO of the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. She is a past President...

John Berger

1988 Fellow
John is an energy and environmental policy specialist who has produced eleven books on energy, climate, and natural resource issues, including Climate Peril: The Intelligent Reader's Guide to the Climate Crisis, Climate Myths: The Campaign...

Sara St. Antoine

1992 Fellow
Sara St. Antoine is a children's book author and environmental writer with a longstanding interest in how stories shape--and are shaped by--our relationship to the natural world. Her newest novel, Front Country (Chronicle Books, 2022), is...

Daniel Newberry

1992 Fellow
Daniel is currently the Executive Director of the Johnson Creek Watershed Council, an organization that restores an urban and agricultural watershed in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area by engaging more than 1,300 volunteers each year...

Deborah Stanger Edelman

1994 Fellow
Deborah is a Project Manager for the Mendocino County Resource Conservation District, focusing on water conservation, environmental education and habitat restoration. She was a co-founder of the California Naturalist Program (http://calnat...