Energy Resources & Access

Foundation News

Transformative Climate Adaptation with Linda Shi

How can we plan for urban climate adaptation in ways that improve sustainability and social justice? Switzer Fellow Linda Shi studies the land governance institutions that make cities and disadvantaged groups vulnerable to climate impacts...
March 20, 2023
Fellow Story

Mulvaney quoted on proposal to open public lands to solar companies

As the nation looks to transition to more forms of renewable energy, the country’s millions of acres of public lands could be key, drawing concerns over how local habitats could be impacted.
March 15, 2023
Fellow Story

Mulvaney argues that ‘streamlining’ environmental reviews could actually hamper clean energy production

“Despite the evidence that environmental permitting is done on time and with little to no litigation while upholding environmental standards, the narrative that permitting reform is needed for clean energy deployment persists.”
February 27, 2023
Fellow Story

Grumet begins as CEO of American Clean Power

“There’s never been a more dynamic or optimistic moment for the U.S. and global energy policy,” Jason writes. “The imperative to simultaneously grow and decarbonize our economy while strengthening national security is the defining challenge of the next 30 years.”
February 23, 2023
Fellow Story

Moch reflects on journey to COP27 as AAAS Science & Technology Fellow

I have a clear memory of the first class that I took on climate change as a college freshman, where I excitedly learned about the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the annual Conference of the Parties (COP) at which nations gather to negotiate on furthering the aims of the Convention.
February 6, 2023
Fellow Story

Fraga raises concern about negative consequences of ‘Superbloom’ tourism

Naomi Fraga wrote on Twitter: "I am so incredibly grateful for this California rain, but I am also anticipating the inevitable... The dreaded conversations about the "superbloom". You might be saying, what the heck Naomi, you are a botanist, don't you love superblooms?"
January 26, 2023
Fellow Story

Hsu’s lab holds companies and governments accountable for their promises at COP27

“One of our biggest recommendations was the need for a type of clearinghouse for decision makers to be able to bring together these different types of information,” Hsu said. “It’s currently very scattershot and everyone’s doing their own thing, and that’s created an incredibly heterogeneous and patchwork landscape of this data.”
January 26, 2023
Fellow Story

Cushing finds historical redlining associated with power plant siting and pollution inequalities

Lara Cushing is the lead author of a December 2022 study finding that historical red-lining is associated with fossil fuel power plant siting and present-day inequalities in air pollutant emissions. Read the open-access article in Nature Energy and a summary in Axios.
January 26, 2023
Fellow Story

Miner speaks on national television about climate change impacts on extreme weather in California

Kimberly Miner was interviewed by the Daily Show and an NBC News segment about how climate change has fueled recent extreme weather events and flooding in California. “Climate change is warming the whole planet and that includes the atmosphere and the oceans. What that means for us is that the atmosphere is able to hold more moisture, so these storms can be bigger,” Miner told NBC.
January 26, 2023
Fellow Story

Rand co-authors study on rising costs of connection to midcontinent energy grid

Electric transmission system operators require new large generators seeking to connect to the grid to undergo a series of impact studies before they can be built. "The lack of interconnection cost data is an information barrier for prospective developers, resulting in a less efficient process," Rand said.
December 8, 2022