We have decided as a staff to serve only vegetarian meals at Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation events, starting with the current fellows’ spring policy communications retreat and our next alumni dinner on March 15th in Washington, D.C.
This post was co-authored by Executive Director Sarah Reed and Program Director Erin Lloyd. The decision to change the eligibility requirements was approved by the foundation’s Executive Committee in October 2019. With the launch of the...
This week, I am celebrating my three-month anniversary as Executive Director of the Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation. Having just made a major career transition, I decided to focus my first On Leadership post on my own leadership...
Fellow Cristina Balboa has published a new book, The Paradox of Scale: How NGOs Build, Maintain, and Lose Authority in Environmental Governance. It is an examination of why NGOs often experience difficulty creating lasting change, with case...
BELFAST, Maine -- The Board of the Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Sarah Reed as the organization’s new Executive Director, effective July 8, 2019. Dr. Reed will lead the Switzer...
Every fall, we bring the new class of Switzer Fellows together at Fellowship Retreats to officially welcome them to the Switzer Fellowship Network, and to meet each other and Fellow alumni. These retreats provide the first opportunity for...
Every fall, we bring the new class of Switzer Fellows together at Fellowship Retreats to officially welcome them to the Switzer Fellowship Network, and to meet each other and Fellow alumni. These retreats provide the first opportunity for...
As I greeted the new 2018 Switzer Fellows at this year’s fall retreats, I reflected on the joy and inspiration of the Switzer Foundation’s 32 years of supporting environmental leaders. At the same time, I was reflecting on my own leadership...
The Switzer Foundation is proud of its history supporting environmental leaders through the Switzer Fellowship Program. Switzer Fellows are engaged in a variety of disciplines and fields through which significant environmental gains are...
In early March, working with our training partners at COMPASS, we convened Fellows in Washington, DC, for two days of workshop and practice on communicating with policy makers! Most of the 2017 Fellows and one Fellow alum joined us for the...